Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Sick, yet again. Head cold this time. At this point, I'm getting frustrated with it. Enough already, I say!

I started searching for Christmas cards yesterday. I have used Tiny Prints for the past four years and have been really happy with every one of them. We still don't have a photo that is good of the three of us. Harp is in a "funny smile" phase. So when requested to smile, she does this crazy face. Still adorable, but...looks interesting on the xmas card. So, we either go with it or take another. So far I like this one, this one, and this one.

This weekend, I went to the fabric store to find something to cover the yet to be made headboard. I found the perfect color, but they didn't have the right size, so I bought a different color that is the right size and have been obsessing about it ever since. Sometimes, I don't know why I settle. I didn't even ask if they had the perfect selection in the other size. Although, it is a small local store, so I'm sure everything they had was out. Sigh. I'm frustrated. Did I say that already?

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