Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Little Drive In Theater

This weekend Tony and I had a date night...the first in a long time!  We decided to grab some stir fry noodles and head over to the local drive in. The car was piled high with blankets and pillows. We basically camped in the back with the window down. It was tons of fun! Although, the next time we will bring a little lantern. It was a bit difficult to see what we were eating. We didn't stay for both, it is always a double feature, but we were happy after the first show. I don't think it matters what is playing, as it is the experience that counts. We loved being able to lay out, talk, and eat together while we watched the show. This will definitely happen again for a date night!

Next time I will get a photo of the dancing popcorn and condiments.

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