Thursday, January 23, 2014


At the request of my Grams, I will try to record some of what Harper says these days.

Here is what we have for this month:

   Me: "You ok?"
   Harp: "Yup! never better!"

   She calls black widow spiders wooden spiders. First thing when we wake up...I'm still in bed.                "Mom! Can we look up pictures of wooden spiders on your phone?"

   The ever creepy..."I wish you were a ride with skin on it so I could snuggle you."

   One weekend when we woke up early to drive to LA. "Are you sure it is wake up time? Because no        one else is awake."

   "Mom, do alligators like soap?"

   "Mom, I love you and me."

She has also made her own peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and has learned to tie her shoes.

In addition, she has frequently been asking about how babies are made and how humans were created. Oh boy.

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