Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More Bike Adventures

We had a nice weekend hanging out with a friend of Tony's from college. There was beach time, tide pools, biking time, and as usual, a lot of eating. Our neighbors are moving and there was an old beat up Schwinn sitting outside. Tony talked to them and it turns out they just listed it on craigslist. Score! Now Tony has another project to keep him happy and I get another bike at the end of the day.

So far, it has been disassembled and the fenders have been painted. I'm excited to see what the final outcome will look like.

And, as for this elusive headboard, yes we are working on that too. Obviously, things are progressing very slowly. Maybe it will be done this weekend...

1 comment:

  1. So sweet.. Daddy's little helper and I know she enjoys it.
