Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Worrier

So true, yet difficult to break.

It is hard to be free, while always worrying. I have been working on it, and have progressed more than any other point in my life, but it is still there, hanging out, ready to talk when I don't feel like it.

I take more chances now, which dramatically helps with the side that prevents you from doing new things. It doesn't always turn out the way you want, like bad hair, but it feels good not being completely tethered. Without the joy of some new experience.

Worrying is a beast I have yet to conquer. I don't know that I ever will, but alas, I try. I doubt I will end worrying about the big things, but focus on the little ones, that I have control over.

Hope you do something new and different today, this weekend, next week.

Here is to new experiences...cheers!

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