Monday, May 5, 2014

The Yard

We currently have renters in our house, until around the end of June, we we have not been able to begin renovations. However, we have been able to start tackling the yard. The fence was being held up by thirty year old ivy, with vines up to eight inches in diameter.

I am not exaggerating. Eight inches!

Once we began to remove the vines, the already falling over fence officially fell over. So we began our fence building journey.  When I say "we" I mean Tony and two nineteen year olds. Thanks goodness he has help. This was a huge undertaking and would have taken months to accomplish.

Here are some before and afters for your viewing pleasure...ignore the ugly pink color of the house...and just about everything else that isn't a new fence. Lesson not underestimate the power of ivy. Especially when it is the size of trees.

Here is a glamour shot of our fig tree that somehow survived being strangled by ivy. I spot three happy figs.

I'm not sure how long it will take to get the remaining fence sections built, but it feels so close and the new fence is so pretty, that I am very excited. We plan on sealing the fence to keep it a light happy color as opposed to the faded brown gray it would eventually become.  


  1. Wow you weren't kidding about all of the ivy. Love the before and after pictures. Looks really good.

  2. Wow! That looks like a ton of work! Glad there was some help with it!
