Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Spooktacular

We dusted off our costumes this weekend and headed out to Harper's new besties Halloween party. It was fun to meet other parents and see who else lives here. I also love seeing peoples houses. It really gives you an idea of who they are. Plus, decorating is my jam.

It struck us that her new friend has the very same toys, backpack, clothes, down to the same water bottle.  The exact same. Colors and everything. Her parents made a comment that she hasn't connected like this before with another kid. It was immediate and they played in her room together the entire party. Meant to be friends. We are all very happy they have become friends.

Today, stormy gray clouds are hanging low and the air is cool. It has already rained and is threatening it again. I love it. I think I will have to make some split pea soup with a sourdough loaf to celebrate the weather. 

Hope you all had a great weekend and are snuggled in today.

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