Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Back and Ready to Party...Not Really

It feels like we have been gone for ages! But, alas, we are home. It felt good driving in to SLO, but it also felt like we were arriving for the first time again. It was a bit strange. Neither bad nor good, just odd. Maybe it is the feeling of change again? The good side of this, is I feel inspired to make things and be outside. Maybe now that we are back I can finally start and finish the headboard...looking forward to being home this month. To try and shake off our ever present over booked calendar. I realize we used to do this all the time when we lived in LA. Now we have to make a concerted effort to change the habit. When asked, my most common reply about what I love about living here is that it is much more mellow and remarkably less stressful. I think part of that is we have not planned as much as we used to and part of that is the general environment.

Cheers to taking the time to enjoy the quiet.

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