Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

We were out and about new years day. It felt great! It was warm and people were happy. We drove to Montana de Oro, but found no gold. It is a beach spot with tide pools and a meandering hike that didn't involve hills. I guess it should be called a walk, no? Then a picnic and rock gathering. I forgot the good camera and then left my phone in the car accidentally. Tony had his for a bit so we got a photo, but none of the tide pools, picnic, or gathered rocks. Sigh. We decided to take mental pictures instead.

When we got home we put all of the treasures found that day in a jar. I have to add a label and add it to a bookshelf to remember our time. Will work on that this weekend and show you what I come up with next week.

Yesterday was a well deserved rest day. Harper and I didn't get out of our pj's until 5pm (!), when we got dressed to walk to dinner with Tony. We made it in time for happy hour at one of our favorite spots in town. Yum! Then promptly went to bed.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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