Friday, January 31, 2014


Yesterday, I went a little cray-zay and started pulling things out of shelves in the guest room/office and Harper's room. We are still in our rental, which is great, but seriously lacks any closet space other than our room and the kiddo's room. So, keeping things picked up and organized (read clean) has been a struggle. We also, do not want to spend money on anything since we will be moving soon-ish. So, we have to be creative.

I failed to take a before shot, which would have been ever so rewarding for the before and after photo's, but I kind of fell into it and it has now grown into a full rehaul. So, you will have to trust me that it was a total disaster.

It isn't finished yet, so you won't even get the after shots in this post. Just a lot of clutter explanations.

So far, we have re-purposed the book shelf in the guest room to house more of Harper's things, since her room simply can't hold all of the "things" that she has.

I read somewhere that it isn't the amount of things you have, it is whether each item has a home/ a place to be put away. So, that is my ultimate goal. I suspect this weekend will be very rewarding. After it is done at least.

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