Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Due to the nasty stomach bug we all caught, thankfully on different days, or who would take care of us? I had ample time to space out in front of the ipad. There isn't much else I had energy for. With netflix, they make it impossible not to watch for hours on end. If you play a series, when it ends, it automatically plays the next episode. You don't even have to move! So, yes, that is what I did.

I had heard rumblings about Scandal. It didn't really peak my interest, but when forced to lay unmoved, it sounded just fine. At first, I hated it. I couldn't figure out why they all had to yell all the time and overact and say. each. word. as. a. sentence. ender. sheesh. Give it a rest! Then the story actually got good. Really good. So, reluctantly, I am hooked.

I have been going around yelling "Shut this down!", "Handle this now!", and "You don't get to wear the white hat!". Ok, I haven't really been yelling it. Out loud. But it is on repeat in my head. It is really a great answer to any question. "What do you want for dinner?"  - "HANDLE THIS NOW!". "How are you feeling?" - "SHUT THIS DOWN!" and so on.

Also fun, watching what they dress Kerry Washington in. Seriously beautiful clothes. All in the cream or white color palette. Beautiful on her. She is often matched with soft cashmere sweaters and jackets, and silk or a cool smooth reflective material. I'm sure it means something. Cold and warm, nice and mean, strong yet vulnerable, etc.

Anyone else out there sucked in to this show?

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