Monday, January 6, 2014

Out and About

Another beautiful, but chilly weekend, called for some outdoor adventure. We made a picnic of sandwiches, pecans, and oranges, and ventured out to the Bob Jones Trail. It is about 5 miles round trip and you get to ride through tree canopies, a bridge, a small kids playground, a pond, and a golf course with mountains around you until you reach the beach. It is a paved and friendly ride, or you can walk it. I am apparently very out of shape because there were a few spots that I was huffing and puffing trying to bike up a hill, but it was well worth it!

I didn't get any in transit photo's, but I did get Harp making a sand castle and Tony has his work face on getting the bikes back on the car at the end of the ride.

Hope you had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, it is his work face. Love your basket on you're bike.
