Thursday, October 17, 2013


Every afternoon Harper and I go for a walk, usually to the park down the street. There are numerous oak trees in SLO, which I feel embarrassed to say, I just connected that acorns came from oak trees. How this has escaped me for so many years, I can not explain. Probably because they weren't plentiful where I grew up, but really, this should be a known fact.

I got excited, and jumped around, as did Harp. We began to collect those that fell from the tree. It was fun to search in the grass, on our treasure hunt. We preferred the nuts fully intact, with their hat on, if you will.

We let our plunder dry out for many many days in the sun. There were definitely bugs that vacated their newly relocated digs. Then we brought them inside and waited a bit longer. Now they are part of our Holiday decorations.

I am still pretty excited about this.

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