Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Right Back In It

I'm just going to jump right in. It's been too long to recap, so let's just pretend that I have been active for the last few months and really on top of everything. Mastering two kids, work, a clean house, laundry, activities, and life in general. Woot!

I am not good at committing to one theme. In home decor, et all. But, I really dig arrows. I'm sure that is stating the obvious. I found this bin o arrows and grabbed it so fast I grew muscles in my arm. It is currently in the kids room, full of toys. I swoon every time I clean up. Which is quit often, might I say. LOVE!

During this trip to Home Goods, because that's how we do, I got trapped in the Halloween isle. I'm pretty excited for the holidays. That is all.

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